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Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mee Fucking Ow already

So, yeah, I got me hands on a hardcover trade of Batman Incorporated a while back.

I ain't that far in, but it's pretty fucking excellent, I must say.

Only thing is, I'm having some trouble with Cats.
(And no, you wiseasses, it ain't because I keep needing to go rub one out every 3 pages)

She continually reminds of you-know-who, and it's sort of distracting.
It ain't because she's so hot it'd make your teeth hurt

And it ain't because of her dynamite pooper

or the cleavage that could make the lame get up and walk.

Any joke involving "bone" here would just be too easy

No, it's actually her smart mouth and bad attitude that seem to resonate so strongly.

At one point, Bats saves her from being submerged in this huge water tank where she's about to get eaten by this gijantic Nipponese monster octopus, and all she does is complain how uncomfortable her leather outfit is when soaking wet.

Yeah, that kind of sounds familiar.

Oh yeah, her and Bats

are fucking each other.

Which is, you know, pretty cool.


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