
Welcome to The Tribe.
Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Missing Question

One that got left off.

21. To whom would you attribute whatever skewly infinitesimal vestige of meaningfulness to which you currently lay claim, if only on a good day?

Excellent question.
In no particular order, let me run the Roll

The Ranee
The Ranette
The Wee Irish
The Crown Princess of Croatia, BFF for Fucking Perpetuity
Señor Vegas
Lil Bro Cisco, of course
Dr Funkenstein
Karlos the Jackal
Divvo the Insane
The Bobcat
Red the Minnesota Squarehead
Ginny (love you baby, lots & lots)

Gator Hunter Double-K
Tiger Mikey
Presley You Fucker You
Daveblackwood.com the Actual Person Rather Than the Digitally Distributed Web Sight

TomHill you Psychotic Bastard
Simo Nanaimo

Paulie Chicago
Remission Girl

Jonathan P Fortigurnius Esq

And anyone else I fuckin neglected to mention as a result of inattention to detail...

Without you guys, I'd just be a fucking noise.
And I love the standing fucksteaks right clean out of you all, man and boy.




Had to happen sooner or later, I guess

Well, I guess I got a gig, any fuckin ways

Bol'shoye spasibo to Brother Cisco for all the kind words.


Jeez, you almost had me there...

It's no secret to anyone here, I think, that

1. Summertime here in Big Stinky means 2 things. You start buying beers one at a time or they just get too fuckin warm, and, most important, pretty much every woman between the ages of 12 and 490 starts walking around in the beloved S3 (Super fucking Short Shorts), the ones I've said before that are like "Sorry baby...them ain't shorts, em are underwear with pockets"

2. We got no beef with that. Whatsofuckingever.

And, as I think you know, on a general level, the success rate here of S3 is astronomically higher than in most other places you could name.
For whatever reason, it's just a terrific combination.
But now, see, then it gets squirrely.
And they do some dumbass shit like this.

Wait, you're wearing these...garments that expose pretty much everything between your goodies and the sidewalk, and then you...what???

Wear fuckin nylons?

Well what?
In the fuck?
Is the point in all that then???

I swear, sometimes I'm really sure I come from a different planet than this one.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You one STANK bitch!

For the love of FUCK.

This nasty old slapper at the next table has this fucking NEWK-ular cheap perfume just fucking rolling off her in fucking waves...

Fuck me, I can feel it collecting on my fucking TEETH for the love of fuck.

I got to keep a smoke going non-stop, just in self defence.

They should give out fucking tickets for this, seriously.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

How does this fucking happen?

OK, I can get that people get old.
Happens to most everyone.

Sometime or another.

Well, almost everyone

What I want to know is, and why nobody told me, EXACTLY when in fuck did Jonesy

Turn into

Lance Fucking Henriksen???


Chicks dig scars 2

Yeah, here:


Friday, May 24, 2013

Chicks dig scars

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Crap, what the fuck does it take?

You know, the old man, after one would run the saw across its own power cable, for like the third time, he'd kind of shake his head in exasperation and say, like

Well g_ddammit, boy.
Even a bloody DOG learns!
No shit, pop.

You all remember this??

Yeah, well, here we go again...


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Presentation is 90%

Have you ever noticed how the right dress

Not that SHE'S ugly, not by a fucking country ass mile...

can make even an ugly chick...well, maybe not beautiful, but certainly interesting??

As The Chink used to say

Women...they all do different things when you squeeze 'em...and I love them all

Heard THAT, boyo.


Does this key even work?

Turn on the lights man.

No lights, OK, well open a couple of fucking windows for jumping out loud, you can hardly breathe in here.

OK, better.

Yeesh,  we got rats, man, nesting.
Look out for that centipede there.

OK, let's get this place cleaned up and back into working shape.
I'll go get the fuckin mops and shit, you go check the breaker box.

This shouldn't take long.
