
Welcome to The Tribe.
Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Use your low gear on the way down or you'll burn out your brakes...

One of my favourite modules in 80's and post-80's action movies is The Former Badass Who Had His Illusions Cruelly Shattered And Chucked It All To Live A Life Of Seclusion In The Mountains And The Army/Government Man Comes to Coax Him Out Of Retirement For

You know, it worked for Clint

It worked for Arnie

Most recently it worked for young Wally Markberg, in the excellent Shooter...

Even the fucking dog thinks that ponytail looks fake

With the help of a good old hound anyone would be proud to own.

(Hey, help me out here. Buddy's the STAR of a movie. With Rhona in it

AND with Katy fuckin Mara

in it

the fucking BOTH of them in their underwear, and the closest he comes to tearing off a piece is with the fucking mutt?!?!??! Kind of negates the whole point of being a movie star, don't it?)

ANYWAYS, that whole up on the mountain/recluse deal, that's pretty much how I've been feeling for the last couple weeks...

So this is the part where you all get to be Danny Glover and say

You're a hard man to find.

And I go

Not hard enough, I guess...


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