
Welcome to The Tribe.
Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Big Whoop

Yeah, well I gotta have some way to get all this crap off my chest or I'm likely to go monkeyhead. I reckon I'm such a special little snowflake, there are probably billions of folks out there who are DYING to hang on my every freaking notion like their lives depend on it.
I'll be adding numerous ongoing features as we go along, most of which may even have one or even two entries before petering out into nothing, so, you know, stay tuned.
For lack of any meaningful content, I listened to this for the first time in years yesterday. I love this song, going back to when Aerosmith was worth paying attention to, and you know that's been a while.
Listen to those soaring arpeggio-based leads Joe plays over the whole mess, it's pretty spectacular stuff.
I also quite like the video, remember when Silverstone was the Aerosmith Video Chick? And young Steven Dorff, to boot.
Enjoy, I'll try to generate something even remotely substantiative for next time.

Oh yeah, it was also the first dance at my wedding.

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