
Welcome to The Tribe.
Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ach, fuckin POETRY, man...

You know, there's just something about masterfully deployed language that touches you, way, down, deep, in the very center of your soul.

I was actually going to preface this with a disclaimer indicating that it contains some paraphrasing of existing work

but, fuck it, by this stage of the game you got to reckon pretty much EVERYTHING out of our mouths is a quote of one kind or another.)

Any fucking ways, the circumstances of the exchange are immaterial, just enjoy the mellifluous outpouring of heartfelt emotion...

"...I’m going to go over there and beat the shit out of him, and he’s gonna swallow a lot of blood for a fucking set of cheap tuners."

"Yeah, and w
hilst he’s lying on the ground looking up at you through a red haze while spitting out f*ckin Chiclets, you should give him a summarizing punt in the goolies and say
'YOU ain’t a fuckin ‘guitar hero’, (boot) I’M a fuckin guitar hero!'”

Man, I tell you, the Masters make it all look SO easy...


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