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Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Everybody needs a break.

So I read this book by a Green Beret platoon leader in Kandahar

Pretty cool stuff.
These dudes

spend all their time patrolling around in these

with a couple hummers along for support.
They sleep on the hoods at night to keep the camel spiders off.

The guy writes about being in the middle of a five-day patrol out in the desert and shit and waking up after a few hours and pluggin the coffeepot into the cigarette lighter of the Toyota and making coffee for the team.


What it DID remind me of, though, was Frederick Forsyth talking about the SAS lads

tooling around in the desert outside of Baghdad in like 1990.

Long before this picture was taken, no actual pictures available because,  fucking SAS, right?

Anyways, their deal was, of course, they'd travel at night and put up during the day, not just because they weren't (duh) supposed to be there, but also for temperature considerations as well.
Any fuckin ways, Forsyth tells how they'd stop and make camp and stretch a cammie net over the whole deal so they couldn't be seen from the air

See, it works, right?

and the first thing someone would do was to put the kettle on over a little chunk of C4 and they'd all have tea.

Both are pretty cool, but I think the squaddies have a bit of an edge.


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