
Welcome to The Tribe.
Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This is good, too

OK, this may be difficult for some of you to believe, but I ain't actually all that fussy about my preferences vis a vis female-type women ladies.
I certainly wouldn't be selective enough to say I had a "type" (although I do seem to marry more than my share of ball-busters).
And there are a couple of things that I find somewhat off-putting that can detract from my enjoyment of a particular woman, I mean physically, but there aren't really too many of them.
AND I wouldn't say that any of them are bona fide dealbreakers.
I ain't going to share them with you anyways, since, as always, your intransigent yet empathetic Ruler prefers to focus on a more positive elucidatory experience.

Accordingly, there are a couple of specific configurations that, quite frankly, reduce me to a gibbering simian in full rut.
At least one of these propensities we've discussed previously .
And Her Highness The Princess and I have discussed as well your Raj's lifelong affection for tastefully decorated girl feet.

But one of my all-time Top 5 configurations, and I really can't begin to explain why, one of my very favourite presentations...

The (preferably baggy) cargo pants with the tight tank top.

This may be due in part to far too many hours squandered in the company of this shameless hussy:

I can't find any good piccies of this (probably a good thing or I'd currently be down the hall in  the Men's instead of writing this), but you can see a beautiful example of this on Jemma's dad's Guatemalan caregiver in Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy.

Naturally, the fact that she's a total Latina hottie with a rack from fucking Krypton doesn't hurt, but you'll have to take my word for it, this exact combo is pretty much all that's needed for me to just plain lose it.

Fortunately (at least for me), The Ranee is often known to rock this actual wardrobe scenario, with her fuckin throat-cuttingly lush physique.
NOT that I've ever mentioned my personal investment in it.
Dang, it's almost enough to make me wish I were sexually active.



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