
Welcome to The Tribe.
Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The unexamined life...

I've noted this previously during the hot weather, but it continues to astound me.

Goes like this.
I wake up in the middle of the night.
I go to the bathroom and offload several hundred mls (fuck that asinine measurement of common liquids in cc, what the fuck is that all about??) of excess fluid.
I go to the fridge.
I take on several hundred mls of fluid.
I go to bed.

Shake my hand, I'm the world's most expensive fucking water heater.

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Hey, thanks for the fuckin feedback.
Readers' opinions and feelings are fucking important to me.
No, I'm fucking serious.