
Welcome to The Tribe.
Your Humble Ruler, Rajah Cheech Beldone, King of the Gypsies.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ok, that'll fucking do

Alright, all kidding aside this is getting kind of retarded here.
I swear to fuck, I got mould growing on my eyeballs.
Now, I ain't an idiot (or even a Yank), I went to school, I understand how shit works.

But honestly, it has been pissing fucking down for about 6 days STRAIGHT, I mean without ever stopping. Sometimes it gets kind of light before going back to the kind of rain that would probably fucking concuss you if you went out with your head uncovered.
But it never stops.
And here's what I don't get.
Where the FUCK is all this FUCKING water coming from?
I mean, if I understand my 2nd grader's Hydrologic Cycle correctly, and I certainly would like to think I do, if it's been raining non-stop, which it has, none of this fucking water can evaporate back up into the fuckin cloud layer, right?
So what the fuck?
Beats the shit out of me.
All's I know is that I'm sick of checking my boots for fucking mushrooms every morning.

ETA: And no, this still doesn't qualify as "complaining" about the weather

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Hey, thanks for the fuckin feedback.
Readers' opinions and feelings are fucking important to me.
No, I'm fucking serious.