In no particular order,
Pretty good time was had by all, even considering that not one of the bastards would buy into my dissertation on Max Planck's Equatorial Differential Theory of Geophysics.
Anyways, proving, as always, that no fucking horse is too dead to keep kicking, Werner fucking Turdzog is going on and on about how he shouldn't be blamed for not getting this one.
See, he contends that he made the completely forgivable mistake of thinking they go to see a matinee of a fucking movie.
In fact, he's never heard of matinees in the theatre.
In FACT, he doesn't even believe there ARE matinees in the theatre.
And then he rubbed his eye after handling the fresh-picked habaneros I had brought for him.
See, if you're trying to claim non-stupidity in your own defense, well...
Yeah, we need to get together more often, especially since I've discovered it only takes around 10 minutes for me to scoot over there when there's no traffic. Thanks for organizing the pow-wow.
ReplyDeleteThat first picture does look just like me.